Index of /devkitPro/other-stuff/PAlib/source/cvsroot/PAlibDoc/fr/

_neo_splash_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    2730
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_p_a__3_d_8h-source.html,v                         19-Aug-2022 10:25     10K
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_p_a___a_p_i_8h.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    7116
_p_a___draw_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25     19K
_p_a___draw_8h.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25     18K
_p_a___g_b_f_s_8h-source.html,v                    19-Aug-2022 10:25    6738
_p_a___g_b_f_s_8h.html,v                           19-Aug-2022 10:25    4450
_p_a___i_a_8h-source.html,v                        19-Aug-2022 10:25    2475
_p_a___interrupt_8h-source.html,v                  19-Aug-2022 10:25     13K
_p_a___interrupt_8h.html,v                         19-Aug-2022 10:25     24K
_p_a___keyboard_8h-source.html,v                   19-Aug-2022 10:25    8225
_p_a___keyboard_8h.html,v                          19-Aug-2022 10:25    8412
_p_a___keys_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25     12K
_p_a___keys_8h.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25     16K
_p_a___math_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    6177
_p_a___micro_8h-source.html,v                      19-Aug-2022 10:25    5825
_p_a___palette_8h-source.html,v                    19-Aug-2022 10:25    6154
_p_a___palette_8h.html,v                           19-Aug-2022 10:25    8882
_p_a___save_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    5791
_p_a___sound_8h-source.html,v                      19-Aug-2022 10:25    9888
_p_a___sound_8h.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    8988
_p_a___special_fx_8h-source.html,v                 19-Aug-2022 10:25    5397
_p_a___special_fx_8h.html,v                        19-Aug-2022 10:25    8559
_p_a___sprite_8h-source.html,v                     19-Aug-2022 10:25     31K
_p_a___sprite_8h.html,v                            19-Aug-2022 10:25     40K
_p_a___text_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    9161
_p_a___text_8h.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25     12K
_p_a___tile_8h-source.html,v                       19-Aug-2022 10:25     26K
_p_a___tile_8h.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25     32K
_p_a___window_8h-source.html,v                     19-Aug-2022 10:25    7698
_p_a___window_8h.html,v                            19-Aug-2022 10:25     11K
_p_apalet_8h-source.html,v                         19-Aug-2022 10:25    2708
doxygen.css,v                                      19-Aug-2022 10:25    6939
doxygen.png,v                                      19-Aug-2022 10:25    1723
files.html,v                                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    6669
globals.html,v                                     19-Aug-2022 10:25     21K
globals_defs.html,v                                19-Aug-2022 10:25    9427
globals_func.html,v                                19-Aug-2022 10:25     13K
group___bitmap.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25     65K
group___d.html,v                                   19-Aug-2022 10:25     37K
group___g_b_f_s.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    7013
group___general.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25     11K
group___interrupts.html,v                          19-Aug-2022 10:25    7353
group___keyboard.html,v                            19-Aug-2022 10:25     11K
group___keys.html,v                                19-Aug-2022 10:25     17K
group___math.html,v                                19-Aug-2022 10:25     13K
group___p_a_p_i.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25     18K
group___palette.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25     23K
group___saves.html,v                               19-Aug-2022 10:25     21K
group___sound_a_r_m9.html,v                        19-Aug-2022 10:25     25K
group___special_fx.html,v                          19-Aug-2022 10:25     16K
group___sprite.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25    136K
group___text.html,v                                19-Aug-2022 10:25     41K
group___tile.html,v                                19-Aug-2022 10:25    106K
group___window.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25     20K
index.html,v                                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    1485
installdox,v                                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    3014
jpeg_8h-source.html,v                              19-Aug-2022 10:25    2316
modules.html,v                                     19-Aug-2022 10:25    2645
search.idx,v                                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    538K
search.php,v                                       19-Aug-2022 10:25    9941
splash2_8h-source.html,v                           19-Aug-2022 10:25    2538
splash_8h-source.html,v                            19-Aug-2022 10:25    2697
splashbitmap_8h-source.html,v                      19-Aug-2022 10:25    2763
text0_8h-source.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    2518
text1_8h-source.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    2518
text2_8h-source.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    2518
text3_8h-source.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    2518
text4_8h-source.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    2518
video_8h-source.html,v                             19-Aug-2022 10:25    2513

After the devkitPro team switched from Sourceforge to its own pacman package manager, it is no longer possible to download old versions of their software, as the binaries are being removed from the github release page and pacman only allows downloading the most recent one.

As the devkitPro software is being released under the GPL, and the team states that redistributing verbatim copies may be done by anyone (see here), I am trying to collect as many old versions of their software and put it on this page for people to download.

These old versions should not be used in order to compile new, maintained projects. In this case, the projects should be modified to support newer versions. However, in order to compile old projects which are no longer being maintained, old versions of compilers and toolchains may sometimes be needed.

If you happen to have any old, official releases of any of the tools (Linux, Windows or Mac builds) which are not available on this page, please contact me, for example on (Leseratte) or on Discord (@leseratte), so I can get these and make them available here as well.

Links: Official devkitPro website, Source code, build scripts